Alice Liddell as «The Beggar Maid», 1858

Lewis Carroll (Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) :: Alice Liddell (aged 7 or 8) as «The Beggar Maid», 1858. Albumen silver print from glass negative. | src and hi-res The Metropolitan Museum of Art
«For Carroll, Alice was more than a favorite model; she was his “ideal child-friend,” and a photograph of her, aged seven, adorned the last page of the manuscript he gave her of “Alice’s Adventures Underground.” The present image of Alice was most likely inspired by “The Beggar Maid,” a poem written by Carroll’s favorite living poet, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, in 1842. If Carroll’s images define childhood as a fragile state of innocent grace threatened by the experience of growing up and the demands of adults, they also reveal to the contemporary viewer the photographer’s erotic imagination.» (quoted from source) related post

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