Leonor Fini by André Ostier

André Ostier :: Argentinian born artist Leonor Fini, ca. 1947. | src Galerie au Bonheur du Jour via Proantic
André Ostier :: Argentinian born artist Leonor Fini, ca. 1947. | src Galerie au Bonheur du Jour via Proantic
André Ostier :: Argentinian born artist Leonor Fini, ca. 1947. | src Galerie au Bonheur du Jour via Proantic

Leonor Fini in owl mask, ca. 1949

André Ostier :: Leonor Fini wearing a ball costume and the famous mask of a Snowy Owl, ca. 1949. | src stephen ellcock
André Ostier :: Leonor Fini wearing a ball costume and the famous mask of a Snowy Owl, ca. 1949. | src stephen ellcock
André Ostier :: Leonor Fini wearing a ball costume and the famous mask of a Snowy Owl, ca. 1949. | src stephen ellcock
André Ostier :: Leonor Fini wearing a ball costume and the famous mask of a Snowy Owl, ca. 1949. | src stephen ellcock

Fini’s owl mask originates with the New Year’s Eve party called the Bal des Oiseaux given at the Palais Rose on the avenue Foch, Paris, by Vicomte Charles Benoist d’Azy at the end of 1948. Webb writes, “she wore an owl mask of white feathers with headdress and gown of black-and-green-striped feathers. A series of dramatic photographs of her in this costume, as well as in the costumes for other balls of 1947 and 1948, were taken by Andre Ostier and widely published in newspapers and magazines, and Pauline Reage used the same mask in the final scene of her erotic novel Histoire d’O (Story of O), which was later illustrated by Leonor.”

Quotation from Peter Webb’s biography: Sphinx – The Life and Art of Leonor Fini

Retrieved from Story of O