Vera Fokina in Narcisse, 1914

Vera Fokine as a Young Béotienne in 'Narcisse', London, England, 1914
E.O. Hoppé :: Vera Fokine (Vera Fokina) in ‘Narcisse’, London, England, 1914 | src Hoppe/Ballets Russes

6 thoughts on “Vera Fokina in Narcisse, 1914

      1. Hello,

        Thanks for your comment. For some reason I am not able to post a reply directly on your site.

        There exist several photos of Vera Fokina as the young Beotienne. The costume is quite different. Please see below. The Bacchante, however, appears with a wine jug and bowl, as you’d expect from a follower of Bacchus.

        There are several mistakes on the official Hoppe site. I have worked with them in the past, most notably for my book on Tamara Karsavina. They are not dance historians.


        Andrew Foster

        [cid:0730c28f-623d-49a7-bcb2-f95bdb70d561] ________________________________

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much, Andrew, you should be able to post a reply, I will check it. Unfortunately the link is not available (we assume it is a link, or maybe an image?). If it’s not to ask so much, would you please resend it, maybe not as a link, write for us the address so we can learn more. Again, thanks, a lot


      3. Hello,

        Sorry, I just reposted my message but I see you had already posted it. Please remove the latest.


        Andrew Foster ________________________________


  1. Hello,

    Thanks for your comment.

    There exist several photos of Vera Fokina as the young Beotienne. The costume is quite different. Please see below [*unfortunately your site will not accept the image*]. The Bacchante, however, appears with a wine jug and bowl, as you’d expect from a follower of Bacchus.

    There are several mistakes on the official Hoppe site. I have worked with them in the past, most notably for my book on Tamara Karsavina. They are not dance historians.


    Andrew Foster

    Liked by 1 person

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