La Jana in Tanzpose in Truxa

La Jana in the film ‘Truxa‘. Regie: Hans H. Zerlett (1937). Published by ‘B.Z.’ 14.08.1936 | src getty images

The famous tightrope artist Truxa is drinking at the Artisan bar in New York. He meets a young man, Husen, and gives him his stage name Truxa. He is to take the real Truxa’s place at a circus show in the Wintergarten in Berlin (src IMdB)

La Jana. Tanzszene aus dem Film ‘Truxa‘ mit Tamburin. Regie: Hans H. Zerlett, nach dem Roman von Heinrich Seiler. Deutschland, 1936 (23.01.1936) | src getty images
La Jana. Truxa (1937) Illustrierter Film-Kurier Filmprogramm Nr. 1617 (WFK : Wiener Film-Kurier) | src eBay

The series “Illustrierte Film-Kurier” (Wien), collectors code: WFK, was published from 1930 (around the beginning of the sound film era) to 1938 (the annexation of Austria). After the series was discontinued in 1938, the Berlin IFK (Illustrierte Film-Kurier) [BFK : Berliner Illustrierte Film-Kurier] was also distributed in Austria until the end of the war. A total of 2065 numbered program booklets (Filmprogramm; Programmhefte) were published in the WFK series. Under the name “Film im Bild”; eight unnumbered previous editions were produced specifically for certain premiere theaters (e.g. Schweden-Kino or Apollo). | quoted from source

La Jana in Tanzpose, Frankreich, 1930-1938. New York Times Photo. | src ÖNB
Truxa (1937) Illustrierter Film-Kurier (IFK) Filmprogramm Nr. 2564 (BFK : Berliner Film-Kurier) | src eBay

Ruth Page by Charlotte Fairchild

Ruth Page. Photo by Charlotte Fairchild. Advertisement for Cantilever Shoes. Mid-Week Pictorial, Jan. 26, 1922 | src internet archive
Ruth Page. Photo by Charlotte Fairchild. Advertisement for Cantilever Shoes, 1922. NY Times Mid-Week Pictorial, Jan. 26th, 1922 | src internet archive