Conrad Veidt portrayed ca 1926

Conrad Veidt (1893-1943), Schauspieler, Porträt, um 1926 | src getty images
Conrad Veidt (1893-1943), Schauspieler, Rollenporträt, um 1926 | src getty images

Veidt in Das Indische Grabmal

Conrad Veidt as the Maharajah of Bengal in Das Indische Grabmal / Mysteries of India (Joe May, 1921), produced by May Film, Berlin. Postcard. | src Flickr

Oppenheimer und Kokoschka

Max Oppenheimer (MOPP) (1885–1954) :: Moderne Galerie Theatiner-Maffeistr. Max Oppenheimer (Exhibition Poster), 1911
Max Oppenheimer (MOPP) (1885–1954) :: Moderne Galerie Theatiner-Maffeistr. Max Oppenheimer (Exhibition Poster), 1911 MoMA

Oppenheimer, who had begun signing works MOPP by 1911, was initially friendly with both (Oskar) Kokoschka and (Egon) Schiele. But this poster, which he designed for his first Munich exhibition, brought accusations of plagiarism from Kokoschka, who found its subject—a gaunt, naked self-portrait figure bleeding from a chest wound—too close to his own agonized poster of a year earlier (images below). | quoted from MoMA

Oskar Kokoschka :: Self-Portrait, Hand on Chest (Selbstbildnis, Hand auf der Brust), 1910. Das druckgrafische Werk im Kontext seiner Zeit @ Museum der Moderne Salzburg © Fondation Oskar Kokoschka and Museum of Fine Arts Budapest; also Art Institute Chicago
Oskar Kokoschka :: Self-Portrait, Hand on Chest (Selbstbildnis, Hand auf der Brust), 1910. Das druckgrafische Werk im Kontext seiner Zeit @ Museum der Moderne Salzburg © Fondation Oskar Kokoschka and Museum of Fine Arts Budapest; also Art Institute Chicago
Oskar Kokoschka :: Self-Portrait, Hand on Chest (Selbstbildnis, Hand auf der Brust), 1911. Poster for a conference at the Akademischer Verband für Literatur und Musik, Jänner 1911. Leopold Museum and MoMA: German Expressionism Project
Oskar Kokoschka :: Self-Portrait, Hand on Chest (Selbstbildnis, Hand auf der Brust), 1911. Poster for a conference at the Akademischer Verband für Literatur und Musik, Jänner 1911. Leopold Museum and MoMA: German Expressionism Project

Lore Schuetzendorf, 1931

Lore Schuetzendorf in Mädchen in Uniform (Germany, Leontine Sagan, Carl Froelich, 1931). Stamped: Trude Geiringer / Dora Horovitz / Wien. From the Taussig film stills collection
Lore Schuetzendorf in Mädchen in Uniform (Germany, Leontine Sagan, Carl Froelich, 1931). Stamped: Trude Geiringer / Dora Horovitz / Wien. From the Taussig film stills collection
Umbo · Otto Umbehr :: Scene from the movie 'Mädchen in Uniform' with Lore Schuetzendorf . Published in UHU magazine 12/1931. Film directed by Leontine Sagan and Carl Froelich, Germany, 1931. | src and hi-res Getty Images
Umbo · Otto Umbehr :: Scene from the movie ‘Mädchen in Uniform’ with Lore Schuetzendorf . Published in UHU magazine 12/1931. Film directed by Leontine Sagan and Carl Froelich, Germany, 1931. | src and hi-res Getty Images

Brigitte Helm as Antinéa, 1932

Une curieuse photographie de Brigitte Helm dans le rôle d’Antinéa de L’Atlantide, le nouveau film réalisé par G.W. Pabst (1932) edité | A curious photograph of Brigitte Helm in the role of Antinea from Atlantis, the new film directed by G.W. Pabst. | src amazon