Twins & cat · Finland · 1920s

Ahti Rytkönen ~ Twin girls Tyyne and Aili and their cat Matti on the edge of a bed in a chimneyless cabin located in Jokilahti, Pielavesi, Finland, 1920s | src museovirasto
Ahti Rytkönen ~ Twin girls Tyyne and Aili and their cat Matti on the edge of a bed in a chimneyless cabin located in Jokilahti, Pielavesi, Finland, 1920s | src museovirasto
Detail from: Twin girls Tyyne and Aili and their cat Matti, 1920s | src museovirasto

Sisters G by Spurr, 1931

Melbourne Spurr :: Klara and Eleanor Gutchrlein. Single frame. Illustration. Das Magazin Band 7, H 79, March 1931
Melbourne Spurr :: Klara and Eleanor Gutchrlein. Einzelbild. Abbildung. Das Magazin  Band 7, H 79, März 1931
Melbourne Spurr :: Klara und Eleanor Gutchrlein. Einzelbild. Abbildung. Das Magazin Band 7, H 79, März 1931 (Detail)
Melbourne Spurr :: Klara and Eleanor Gutchrlein. Einzelbild. Abbildung. Das Magazin  Band 7, H 79, März 1931
Melbourne Spurr :: Klara and Eleanor Gutchrlein. Single frame. Illustration. Das Magazin Band 7, H 79, March 1931

Sisters G by Binder, 1929

Alexander Binder :: Sisters G. Scherl’s Magazin, Band 5, H.7, Juli 1929
Alexander Binder :: Sisters G. Scherl’s Magazin, Band 5, H.7, Juli 1929
Alexander Binder :: Sisters G. Scherl’s Magazin, Band 5, H.7, Juli 1929
Alexander Binder :: Sisters G. Scherl’s Magazin, Band 5, H.7, Juli 1929
Alexander Binder :: Sisters G. Scherl’s Magazin, Band 5, H.7, Juli 1929 [Detail]

“Steiner Sisters”, 1927

Atelier Martin Badekow :: Dancer Jenny Steiner dancing with a puppet (“Steiner Sisters”) in a revue by Rudolf Nelson, 1927. Published in nº 42/1927. Ullstein Bild | src Getty Images