Drtikol · Cut-outs · early 1930s

František Drtikol (1883-1961) ~ Composition, 1931 | src Gitterman Gallery ~ Czech Avant-Garde 2023
František Drtikol (1883-1961) ~ Soul, 1930 | src Gitterman Gallery ~ Czech Avant-Garde 2023

Czech Avant-Garde at Gitterman Gallery ~ Nov 14 – Dec 22, 2023

Gitterman Gallery presents a selection of avant-garde Czech photography with a focus on rare vintage works by two seminal figures, František Drtikol and Josef Sudek. Each created exquisite prints that added dimension to their innovative visions.

František Drtikol’s (1883-1961) photographs are distinctly emblematic of the Art Deco period (1920s and 30s) by merging styles of Symbolism, Pictorialism, and Modernism. Though most known for his Pictorial images of nudes in Modernist stagings, we highlight a series from the early 1930s he referred to as “photopurism.” In this series, he photographed paper cut-outs and carved wood figures, as Mannerist silhouettes of the human form, in geometric abstract environments, to explore themes of Buddhism. He gave up photography in 1935 to concentrate on painting.

František Drtikol (1883-1961) ~ Composition, ca. 1930 | src Gitterman Gallery ~ Czech Avant-Garde 2023
František Drtikol (1883-1961) ~ Composition, 1930 | src Gitterman Gallery ~ Czech Avant-Garde 2023

Mother Earth by Drtikol

František Drtikol :: Matka Země (Mutter Erde / Mother Earth), 1932. | src UPM · Uměleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze
František Drtikol :: Bez názvu (Ohne Titel), 1932. | src UPM · Uměleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze
František Drtikol (1883-1961) :: Matka-Zeme (Mère-terre), 1931 | src Centre Pompidou

Székessy · two cutouts

Karin Székessy :: Two cut outs, 1970-1971 | src photography-now
Karin Székessy :: 2 Cutouts, PW 1965

Lee (Miller) eye by Anna Ostoya

Anna Ostoya ~ Lee No. 1. 2013. Pigmented inkjet print, gold leaf, and newspaper on canvas. From ‘New Photography Exhibition series’ (2013) at MoMA
Anna Ostoya ~ Exposures: 2.02.2011, 2011, Gold leaf, newspaper, and archival print on paper on canvas | src Bortolami gallery
Anna Ostoya ~ Lee No. 3. 2013. Pigment inkjet print, gold leaf, and newspaper on canvas. Courtesy Simone Battisti | src Zacheta National Gallery of Art
Man Ray (1890 – 1976) ~ L’oeil de Lee Miller, vers 1930 | src Centre Pompidou ~ RMN
Anna Ostoya (b. 1978 in Kraków) ~ Lee 6, 2017, oil, gold leaf and archival print on canvas | src Bortolami gallery
Anna Ostoya (Polish, b. 1978) ~ Lee 7, 2017, oil, gold leaf and archival print on canvas | src Bortolami gallery