Drtikol modernist nudes

František Drtikol (1883-1961) ~ Untitled, 1927 (Carbon print) | src Gitterman Gallery ~ Czech Avant-Garde 2023

Czech Avant-Garde (2023) at Gitterman Gallery (NY)

Gitterman gallery presents a selection of avant-garde Czech photography with a focus on rare vintage works by two seminal figures, František Drtikol and Josef Sudek. Each created exquisite prints that added dimension to their innovative visions.

František Drtikol’s (1883-1961) photographs are distinctly emblematic of the Art Deco period (1920s and 30s) by merging styles of Symbolism, Pictorialism, and Modernism. These two photos are an example of his best known works: Pictorial images of nudes in Modernist (Art decó) stagings.

František Drtikol (1883-1961) ~ Kruh a Přímky (Circle and lines), 1926. Vintage pigment print, carbon. | src Gitterman gallery
František Drtikol ~ Akt s dekoracio | Nude with quarter circle, ca. 1926. Bromoil print | src Galerie Kicken Berlin

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